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Writer's pictureHelen Yemane

What is a Christian?

This word is known all over the world and if you ask someone the question, you'll most likely get the same answer, "it's a religion". But did you know the term 'Christian' is used very loosely? Which explains as to why most people do not understand what it means to be one and are only familiar with the more common practices such as Christmas, Easter and christenings.

Through the bible we see Gods commands for us, but after the birth of Jesus Christ we see the focal point of Christ is love (it's the forgotten 11th commandment)**. He is the the example of how we should live our lives.

"What does this mean, there's noway I can be like Jesus Christ? What is the point?"

The fact that nobody is perfect is the reason why there's hope for all us! His main purpose was to change the lives of people. Being a believer and follower of Christ doesn't mean you're perfect, it means you recognise Gods word and make decisions to live according to his word. This is not something that happens overnight, but the best part, no matter how many times you fall, he is there to pick you up and will never give up on you. It doesn't matter what you've done or what you're struggling with, his love and mercy is not finite but instead unconditional like no other (yes, even with our flaws).

So what is a Christian, in plain simple, Christianity is Christ.

In part two we will look into 'What is a Christian' whilst referencing the bible.

**John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

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